Reforestation of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil - Serra da Beleza

Agro-Restoration Project in partnership with Emater Rio - official environmental agency for the state of Rio de Janeiro

Planting Pioneer Native Trees from the Atlantic Forest
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Pasture where native pioneer trees were planted.

Propagation of rare and endangered species from the region and Brasil

Pioneer Native Trees have an excellent speedy growth that help set up the initial stages of the formation of a forest. They are 'heliofitas' which flourish in full sunlight. Their rusticity quality is a very good attribute to cope with the adversities of the environment.

Under the professional guidance and management of João Pedro Machado - Agronomist and assisted by Marcia Lage, landscape designer, we started the the planting of 1,200 Pioneer Trees in October 2022 with 50 Piptadenia gonoacantha 'Pau-Jacaré', a donation of Conexão Mata Atlantica.

From December 2022 until the third week of March 2023, mixed batches of native trees from 35 species were planted by Alair and his team: Gilberto, Paulinho and Gão.

Eighty percent of the 1.200 native trees planted were Pioneer the Trees from 12 species selected by our environmental partners Emater Rio, Conexão Mata Atlantica, grown for us by Forester Renato de Barros at his Viveiro de Valença.

Schizolobium parahyba 'Guapuruvú'
Peltophorum dubium 'Canafistula'
Schinus terebinthifolius 'Timbaúva'
Mimosa caesalpiniifolia 'Sabia'
Joannesia princeps Cotieira 'Cotieira'
Senna multijuga 'Cássia Aleluia'
Erythrina verna 'Mulungu',
Clitoria fairchildiana R.A.Howard 'Sombreiro'
Bauhinia forficata 'Pata de Vaca'
Acacia polyphylla 'Monjolo'
Piptadenia gonoacantha 'Pau Jacaré'
Bombacopsis glabra (Pasq.) A. Robyns 'Castanha do Maranhão'

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Mariana Ribeiro from Conexão Mata Atlântica and Felipe Fernandes donation and delivery of Dalbergia nigra  'Jacaranda da Bahia'
Piptadenia gonoacantha 'Pau-Jacaré' and Anadenanthera colubrina 'Angico', for our project.
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February 2023. Paulinho carrying a mix of native pioneer trees to be planted in one of the pastures.
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All the way up to the copse. View of the pasture where the native trees were planted.
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Alair making one of 1.200 berths for the planting of Native trees from the Atlantic Forest.
Alair making one of 1.200 berths for the planting of Native trees from the Atlantic Forest.

All the planting was done by hand , a great achievement by Alair and his team The saplings were carried in mixed batches of 12/15 either in wooden crates or sacks, up and up a very steep pasture.

50 Piptadenia gonoacantha 'Pau-Jacaré', were planted in October 2022, and batches of 250 native trees were planted from November through to March 2023.
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Native pioneer tree planted in the pasture.
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Native tree saplings prior to planting in mixed batches of 250, supplied by Viveiro de Valenca - Renato de Barros.
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A Dicksonia sellowiana  'Samambaia Açú', an endangered and spectaular species. Dozens were rescued from the earth moving and tarmacking roadworks of a nearby old dirt track in front of the farm.
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One of our brooks with Dicksonia sellowiana  'Samambaia Açú', and native foliage.

Native Saplings Gallery

Selection of native tree saplings planted in March 2022.
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Native sapling
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Native sapling
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Native sapling
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Senna obtusifolia 'Mata pasto'
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Clidemia hirta 'Pixirica'
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Native sapling
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Native sapling
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Native sapling
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Enterolobium contortisiliquum 'Orelha de macaco'
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Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia 'Sabiá'
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Psidium guajava 'Goiabeira'
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Native sapling
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Native sapling
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Native sapling
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Native sapling
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Native sapling
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Native sapling
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Native sapling

Updated June 2023